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ICC Article #97 August Aguilar, Filmmaker and more – ICC Magazine

ICC Article #97 August Aguilar, Filmmaker and more

Baker’s Article # 97, August Aguilar,

That’s right, yet another amazing creator is gracing ICC’S pages, This particular creator does an array of creation from Films, to books to podcasts and a whole bunch more in between. ICC loves it when we find creators who pursue their dreams and August is one such person. He has had His hands in a number of directive endeavors and we are excited to show you some of what He’s done, He is doing what He loves to do, and that’s something to be very proud of, so Check out His bio as told here.

My name is August Aguilar and I am the creator of Strange Films Studios; a multi-media independent production company that creates original films, music, art, comic books, and podcasts. We specialize in the horror genre, but we don’t try to limit ourselves to any possibility that we are excited about. I began this journey back in 2016 while working in my local tv news station when it occurred to me I was unhappy. Unhappy with my career, unfulfilled in my creativity, and longing for something more. Then one night in my editing bay, I saw a Facebook Ad for my local Knoxville Horror Film Festival and I thought, “I should make a horror movie and try to get in.” After that initial thought, the pursuit became a reality and I quickly gathered all the resources I needed and set off to make the film. After successfully making the short film and indeed getting into the festival, I knew I wanted to pursue this dream of mine full time. I quit my job at the tv station and I became invested in pursuing my dream as a filmmaker. Now, as of 2023, I have successfully written, produced, and directed, dozens of short films, music videos, a feature film, and have published three comic books along with creating my own podcast network. What I enjoy about pursuing this dream is that it’s MY dream. I get to make the rules, try things that work, fail at things that don’t. I love creating content, and I love telling stories and bringing characters to life that people enjoy. I couldn’t do it without the support of my friends, family, and the community I’ve built around Strange Films, as they continue to motivate me for all of my future endeavors. The advice I give to anyone who is thinking about pursuing their dream, is that you should do it. If you’re really passionate about something but you’re scared to try, that’s OKAY. Everyone goes through it, and I still do it. But you’ll never know what kind of happiness you’ll find, opportunities that will present themselves, or possibilities that are ahead of you if you don’t go for it. There’s tons of free resources to help, and people like myself who will always have the door open to talk to.

Here are some links to the works:

Twitter: @StrangeFilmsPod Instagram: @strangefilmsstudios

Thank you August for taking time out of Your day to share a little bit with ICC, and we wish you much continued success with your creativity!


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